Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mt. 7:7-12  Thursday  1st of Lent

God is the center of our lives, it is a never ending relationship.
Prayer keeps that communion between God and man.

Jerome notes that, "it is certain God gives to he, who asks, that he, who seeks, finds, and that he who knocks, will be opened: It is clearly seen that he, who has not received, who has not found, who has not been opened, is just because he did not know how to ask, how to seek nor how to knock at the door".

Jesus had already taught us how to pray, thus it is fitting that we always say "Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as in heaven"

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mt 25:31-46
Monday 1st of Lent

St. John of the cross says: "At dusk your love will be tested. Do learn to love God as He wants to be loved and forsake your own condition" 

The Gospel today reminds us of our final judgment. When we face God at the end of our lives, one virtue is at supreme, that is Love. 

We know the corporeal works of mercy, let us live by it! 

"Whatever we did to the least of our brethren, we did it unto God"